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#1 数字人"、"直播”、直播购物”如何说?

CEO's digital avatar makes sales pitch during JD livestream


digital 数字的;数码的。如数码相机可以说a digital cameraavatar /??v.?.tɑ?r/ 阿凡达,化身。一部卡梅隆的《阿凡达》电影,大家都记住了Avatar。avatar这个词本身有表示化身”(an image that represents you in online games, chat rooms, etc. and that you can move around the screen)。如:The game creates a virtual world where people interact and participate in activities through their avatars. 这个游戏创造了一个虚拟世界,人们可以通过他们的游戏化身参与游戏、进行互动。digital avatar就是指数字化身、数字人。看美剧《破产姐妹》中的一段话:

- Isn't he the cutest? He saved me from a burning village, and then he asked me to marry him.


- Actually, my avatar asked her avatar to get the game.


pitch 作名词,有表示推销” (the words or speech someone, especially a salesperson, uses to persuade someone to buy, do, or use something). 如:Investors liked the pitch and agreed to back the start-up company.投资者们喜欢这场营销,同意支持这个新创公司。

sales pitch 推销行话、推销话术、销售宣传(a speech that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something)。如:I don't want to listen to his sales pitch. 我不想听他推销。


It's sort of like, the sales pitch for going to Mars is, "It's dangerous, it's cramped. You might not make it back. It's difficult, it's hard work." That's the sales pitch.

去火星的推销辞有点像是此行危险拥挤,或将无路可退。任务艰难,险阻重重。” 这就是推销的说辞。

livestream 直播。直播的主播可以直接说 livestream host

China's e-retailer JD to kick off livestream shopping with chairman's AI clone


e-retailer 电商零售商retailer 零售商;零售店retail 零售。可用名词,如:retail price 零售价;The retail trade 零售行业。也可做动词,如:The book retails at 50 Yuan. 这本书零售价50元。对应的批发可以说:wholesale。如wholesale prices 批发价格kick off (比赛、事件、讨论等)开始。如:The shows kicks off on October 21st. 演出10月21日开始。livestream shopping 直播购物AI clone 人工智能克隆人;数字人

#3 首秀”、直播间”怎么说?

On 16 April, Liu Qiangdong, the founder of, made his debut in the form of a digital persona” on the App’s home appliances and supermarkets’ livestream rooms. Within one minute of the livestream’s initiation, the viewers in the two rooms reached 2,992 and 2,243 respectively. The livestream continued for approximately half an hour, accumulating a total viewership of over ten million across both rooms.

4月16日,京东创始人刘强东以数字人”的形式亮相京东家电和 京东超市直播间。在直播开始的一分钟内,两个房间的观众分别达到了2,992和2,243人。直播持续了大约半小时,两个房间的总观看人数超过1000万。

debut /?de?.bju/首次亮相、初次登台。常见的词组:make one's debut如:He will make his debut this Sunday. 他将在周日首次亮相。the band's debut album 乐队的首张专辑

Well, how could I miss your debut? 你初次登台我怎么能错过呢?

digital persona 数字人;数字分身persona 伪装;假象;人格面具。如:His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the book. 他的公开形象与书中描写的恋家男人想去甚远。看《明日传奇》中一句台词。

But who are the people beneath those supersized public personas? 但是,这些超级英雄形象背后又是什么人呢?

appliance /??pla?.?ns/ (家用)电器,器械,装置。如household/domestic/home appliances 家用电器livestream room 直播间initiation 开始;创始;发起。如:

the initiation of criminal proceedings 提起刑事诉讼

an initiation ceremony 入会仪式

her initiation into the world of marketing 她的初次涉足营销界

viewer 观看者viewership 观众人数;观众类型美剧《为全人类》中的一句台词:
But experts have long anticipated a possible viewership of over 500 million people. 专家早有预测将会有五亿多人观看直播。respectively 分别地accumulate 积累;积聚;堆积。He accumulated a fortune by investing wisely. 他通过投资,积累了一笔财富。

# 4 数字人主播的优点


Advantages of AI-Powered Live Streaming Hosts

– Scalability: AI hosts can manage multiple streams simultaneously, reaching a broader audience than a single human host.

– 可扩展性:AI 主播可以同时进行多个直播,比单个人类直播的受众更广。

reach 动词,reach sb. 通常指通过电话等联系、联络某人。如:I've trying to reach you. 我一直在尝试联系你。Do you know how can I reach him? 你知道我如何才能联系到他吗?

– Personalization: AI algorithms can analyze large sets of viewer data to tailor the streaming content to the preferences of different audience segments.

– 个性化:人工智能算法可以分析大量观众数据,根据不同受众群体的偏好定制流媒体内容。

tailor动词,tailor sth. to sb./sth. 或者tailor sth. for sb./sth. 为...专门制作;定做。如:Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups. 制定特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需求。

– Availability: AI hosts are not limited by human constraints and can be available 24/7, which is especially beneficial for international audiences in different time zones.

– 可用性:AI 主播不受人类极限所限,可以每天24小时工作,这对不同时区的国际观众尤其有利。

#4 数字人主播的缺点

Disadvantages of AI-Powered Live Streaming Hosts

– Lack of Human Touch: Despite advances in technology, AI hosts may lack the spontaneityand emotional connection that human hosts provide, which can be crucial in building customer relationships.

– 缺乏人情味:尽管技术取得了进步,但人工智能主持人可能缺乏人类主持人的率性和情感联系,而这些对于建立客户关系至关重要。

– Technical Limitations: AI systems might struggle with nuanced language and complex interactions, potentially leading to misunderstandings or unsatisfactory user experiences.

– 技术限制:人工智能系统可能会在细微的语言和复杂的互动中有欠缺,可能导致误解或不满意的用户体验。

– Data Privacy: The use of AI in live streaming requires the collection and analysis of large amounts of data, which raises concerns about user privacy and data security.

– 数据隐私:在直播中使用人工智能需要收集和分析大量数据,这引发了对用户隐私和数据安全的担忧。


raise concerns about 可以用于描述某个现象引起了人们担心(sth. raises (one's) concerns ),或者大家提出对某个现象/事物的担心(sb. raise conerns about/ for sth. )


Every new media technology raises privacy concerns. 每个新的媒体技术都会引起对隐私问题的担心。

The shelter's location raises concernsfor the community about possible negative outcomes. 收容所的位置让人们担心会给社会带来消极影响。

Tons of rubbish left behind by climbers has started to raise concern.登山者留下的上吨的垃圾开始引起大家担忧。

#5 学习总结

数字人 digital avatar / AI clone/ AI avatar

直播 livestream/ livestreaming

直播间 livestream room

主播 livestream host/ livestreaming host

直播购物 livestream shopping

首秀 make one's debut

观看人数 viewership

引起担忧 raise concerns about


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