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1. 检查您的互联网连接:

a. 确保您的网络连接正常工作。尝试打开其他网页或应用程序来验证网络连接是否可用。

b. 如果您使用的是Wi-Fi,请确保您与路由器的连接稳定。尝试重新启动路由器并等待几分钟,然后再尝试连接游戏。

c. 确保你的网络环境得到优化:由于《DNF国际服》服务器是在境外的,有时候特定的网络运营商或地理位置可能会阻止访问某些游戏服务器。通过优化虚拟专用网络,可以绕过这些限制并连接到服务器。

荐大家使用OUR PLAY 免费 全区服 加速器,大家在打开我们的加速工具后,搜索DNF国际服,启动加速,再重新启动游戏即可。

2. 检查DNF官方渠道:

a. 访问DNF的官方网站,查看是否有服务器问题或维护公告。在首页或新闻栏目中,他们通常会发布与服务器状态相关的信息。

b. 在DNF的社交媒体账号上查看他们是否发布了任何与服务器连接问题相关的消息,如Twitter、Facebook或相关的游戏社区论坛。

3. 更新游戏客户端:

a. 打开DNF游戏启动器,并检查是否有可用的更新。如果有更新可用,请确保您下载和安装最新版本的游戏客户端。

b. 如果您已经安装了最新版本的客户端,考虑尝试使用启动器中的修复功能来修复任何可能的文件损坏问题。

4. 检查防火墙和安全软件设置:

a. 防火墙或安全软件可能会阻止DNF游戏客户端与服务器的连接。您可以尝试将DNF游戏添加到防火墙或安全软件的例外列表中。

b. 如果您不确定如何执行此操作,请参考防火墙或安全软件的文档或联系其支持部门以获取更具体的指导。

5. 清除缓存文件:

a. 游戏客户端的缓存文件有时可能导致连接问题。您可以尝试清除这些文件,然后重新启动游戏。

b. 在您的电脑上找到DNF游戏的安装目录,通常在C:\Program Files\DNF或类似位置。

c. 在安装目录中,查找名为"Cache"或"Temp"的文件夹,并将其删除。

d. 重新启动游戏并尝试连接服务器。

6. 重新安装游戏客户端:

a. 如果以上方法都无效,您可以尝试重新安装DNF游戏客户端来解决问题。

b. 首先,备份您的游戏数据,包括游戏设置、保存文件和其他个人数据。

c. 然后,在控制面板或应用程序管理器中,找到DNF游戏并彻底卸载它。

d. 下载最新版本的DNF游戏客户端,并进行安装。

e. 将备份的游戏数据还原到相应的位置。

f. 启动游戏,并尝试连接到服务器。

Facebook APP官方新闻更新0918


Our Latest Steps to Keep Facebook Groups Safe

People turn to Facebook Groups to connect with others who share their interests, but even if they decide to make a group private, they have to play by the same rules as everyone else. Our Community Standards apply to public and private groups, and our proactive detection tools work across both. That means even if someone doesn’t report an issue to us, our AI can detect potentially violating content and we can remove it. Today we’re sharing an update on our ongoing work to keep groups safe, including a number of changes to reduce harmful content and misinformation.

Over the last year, we removed about 1.5 million pieces of content in groups for violating our policies on organized hate, 91% of which we found proactively. We also removed about 12 million pieces of content in groups for violating our policies on hate speech, 87% of which we found proactively.

That’s what we do for posts within groups. When it comes to groups themselves, we will take an entire group down if it repeatedly breaks our rules or if it was set up with the intent to violate our standards. Over the last year, we took down more than 1 million groups for violating these policies.

Stopping People Who Break Our Rules

We’re taking further steps to stop people who repeatedly violate our Community Standards from being able to create new groups. Our existing recidivism policy stops the admins of a group from creating another group similar to one we removed. Going forward, admins and moderators of groups taken down for policy violations will not be able to create any new groups for a period of time.

For members who have any Community Standards violations in a group, their posts in that group will now require approval for the next 30 days. This stops their post from being seen by others until an admin or moderator approves it. If admins or moderators repeatedly approve posts that violate our Community Standards, we will remove the group.

Helping Ensure Groups Have an Active Admin

Admins are at the heart of fostering the purpose and culture of their groups. Sometimes admins may step down or leave their groups. Our proactive detection continues to operate in these groups, but we know that active admins can help maintain the community and promote more productive conversations. So we now suggest admin roles to members who may be interested. A number of factors go into these suggestions, including whether people have a history of Community Standards violations.

In the coming weeks, we’ll begin archiving groups that have been without an admin for some time. Moving forward, when a single remaining admin chooses to step down, they can invite members to become admins. If no invited members accept, we will suggest admin roles to members who may be interested. If no one accepts, we’ll archive the group.

Removing Health Groups from Recommendations

Facebook Groups, including health groups, can be a positive space for giving and receiving support during difficult life circumstances. At the same time, it’s crucial that people get their health information from authoritative sources. To prioritize connecting people with accurate health information, we are starting to no longer show health groups in recommendations. People can still invite friends to health groups or search for them.

For more information on the kinds of content we recommend, including groups, see our recommendations guidelines, which we recently made public.

Continuing to Combat Organizations and Movements Tied to Violence

This summer we continued to take action against groups tied to violence. We banned a violent US-based anti-government network connected to the boogaloo movement and removed 106 of their groups. We also expanded our policy to address organizations and movements that have demonstrated significant risks to public safety, including QAnon, US-based militia organizations and anarchist groups that support violent acts amid protests.

We now limit the spread of these groups by removing them from recommendations, restricting them from search, and soon reducing their content in News Feed. We also remove these groups when they discuss potential violence, even if they use veiled language and symbols. For example, we removed 790 groups linked to QAnon under this policy.

Combating Misinformation in Groups

To combat misinformation across Facebook, we take a remove, reduce, inform” approach that leverages a global network of independent fact-checkers. For Facebook Groups, this work includes:

Removing groups that share content that violates our Community Standards. If admins or moderators repeatedly post or approve content that breaks our rules, we take down the whole group.

Reducing the distribution of groups that share misinformation. Groups that repeatedly share content rated false by fact-checkers won’t be recommended to other people on Facebook. We rank all content from these groups lower in News Feed and limit notifications so fewer members see their posts.

Informing people when they encounter misinformation. We apply a label to content that’s been reviewed by fact-checkers, so people can see additional context. We also notify people before they try to share this content, and we let people know if something they shared is later rated false. Group admins are also notified each time a piece of content rated false by fact-checkers is posted in their group, and they can see an overview of this in the Group Quality tool.

We know there is more to do to keep groups safe on Facebook, and we’ll keep improving our technology and policies to ensure groups remain places where people can connect and find support.























从目前获取的信息来看,Facebook的这次更名并不简单,而是试图重塑自己的身份”(tries to rebrand its identity)。




metaverse 是一个虚拟时空间的集合, 由一系列的增强现实(AR), 虚拟现实(VR) 和互联网(Internet)所组成。

Metaverse 由Meta和Verse组成, Meta表示超越, verse是宇宙universe的意思, 合起来通常表示互联网的下一个阶段, 由AR、 VR、 3D等技术支持的虚拟现实的网络世界。

1992年著名的美国科幻小说家尼奥·斯蒂文森(Neal Stephenson)撰写的《雪崩》(Snow Crash)一书中描述了一个平行于现实世界的网络世界——元界(Metaverse)。所有的现实世界中的人在元界中都有一个网络分身(Avatar)。斯蒂文森笔下的元界是实现虚拟现实后的下一个阶段的互联网的新形态。


The rebrand reflects the firm’s push to move its broadening business portfolio beyond social networking and push ahead with plans to develop the so-called metaverse, an online world where people can meet, play and work virtually, often using VR headsets.


This is similar to how Google created a new parent company name, Alphabet, in 2015 to represent its shift beyond simply being a search engine.


Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said the current brand is so tightly linked to one product that it can’t possibly represent everything that we’re doing today, let alone in the future”.


Over time, I hope that we are seen as a metaverse company and I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we’re building towards,” he said in a virtual conference.


We just announced that we were making a fundamental change to our company. We’re now looking at and reporting on our business as two different segments, one for our family of apps, and one for our work on future platforms.


And as part of this, it is time for us to adopt a new company brand to encompass everything that we do to reflect who we are and what we hope to build.


I am proud to announce that starting today, our company is now Meta.”


The change in name comes amid a string of controversies that have followed the company’s various ventures, particularly the main Facebook platform, Instagram and WhatsApp.


Mark Zuckerberg apologised earlier this month after Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram went down for six to seven hours.





The social media boss said he was ‘sorry for the disruption’ after it emerged he had personally lost more than £4.4billion due to Facebook stock plummeting.


Shares in the company fell by 4.9 per cent on the day of the outage as the firm simultaneously struggled to deal with bombshell claims made by a whistleblower, who said the business chooses profits over safety”.


Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee, told CBS show 60 minutes that it was tearing our societies apart”.


She also said that Instagram, owned by Facebook, was damaging the mental health of some teenagers, according to the company’s own research.


Ms Haugen said: The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook. And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimise for its own interests, like making more money.”


She alleged that Facebook was once again allowing misinformation to spread on Facebook after reversing back a change to its algorithm after the 2024 US presidential election where Joe Biden was elected.


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