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每日一词∣国家智慧教育平台 Smart Education of China platform


China has built the world's largest digital learning platform, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng said at a news conference on Sept 9 . The Smart Education of China platform has been visited almost 4 billion times by more than 600 million people,he said.







As the new journey to fully build a modern socialist China has begun, the cause of the Party and the country is in unprecedented need of higher education, scientific knowledge and outstanding talents. China's higher education should make contributions to the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the well-being of the people.




higher education

双减”ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education


vocational education


A. 每日测试词汇量,复习巩固不会忘。(2023.10.15.)1.流利说阅读:15055个;2. 薄荷阅读:14754个;3.英语水平测试:系统估算词汇量22190个;4.扇贝英语单词词汇量测试:13925;5.轻松背单词:12000;6.英语词汇社词汇量测试:14886; 7.沪江英语词汇量测试:14000;8.有道英语词汇量测试:11411。B.阅读(浏览)词汇量累计统计(自2024.10.6.起) 18567057个,今日阅读(浏览)内容单词个数:6745个。On the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects, the whole Party and the entire nation must maintain strategic focus on strengthening ecological conservation, endeavor to effect a green transformation in all aspects of social and economic development, coordinate efforts to address pollution, protect ecosystems, and respond to climate change, and work hard to build a beautiful China where humanity and nature exist in harmony, so as to make further contributions to building a clean and beautiful world. It is also my hope that all of society can take the initiative to act as role models in disseminating and practicing the ideas of ecological civilization and through solid and hard work, create a beautiful homeland with blue skies, green lands, and clean waters for generations to come.


A. 每日测试词汇量,复习巩固不会忘。(2023.9.15.)1.流利说阅读:15058个;2. 薄荷阅读:14744个;3.英语水平测试:系统估算词汇量22190个;4.扇贝英语单词词汇量测试:13925;5.轻松背单词:12000;6.英语词汇社词汇量测试:14886; 7.沪江英语词汇量测试:14000;8.有道英语词汇量测试:11411。B.阅读(浏览)词汇量累计统计(自2024.10.6.起) 18404316个,今日阅读(浏览)内容单词个数:8436个 1. Through these ten years, the common values of humanity – peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom -- have taken deeper roots in the heart of the people. An open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity has become the shared aspiration of more and more countries. The international community has recognized that no country is superior to others, no model of governance is universal, and no single country should dictate the international order. The common interest of all humankind is in a world that is united and peaceful, rather than divided and volatile. 2.The history of human development is full of twists and turns. Similarly, the journey of each country to explore the path to modernization is also arduous. In today's world, multiple challenges and crises are intertwined. The global economic recovery remains sluggish, the development gap is widening, ecological environment is deteriorating, and the Cold War mentality is lingering. Humanity's modernization process has once again reached a crossroads of history.

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