更新于 2024-04-21 12:18:08 首发于 2024-04-21 11:52:32
Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting. (建议开头使用)Hope my explanation is able to assist you, thanks for your understanding.If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact us. (通常用于邮件结尾处)
①客人投诉收到的货品是破损的但没有提供可以证明的照片:Dear____,Thanks for your email and sorry for the late reply.We need some additional information for this case, which is key to the result.Could you please send us the pictures of the damaged items/parts you mentioned?Therefore, we can process a replacement request for you as soon as possible.Hope you can understand and look forward to your prompt reply.If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact us.Thanks and best regards!Lily
②客人没写具体原因就申请退货(这个亚马逊经常有):Dear____,Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting.Could you please provide more details about the reason why you need to return the items?Perhaps we can help to solve the your problems before the return.If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact us.Look forward to your reply.Thanks and best regards!Lily
③客人投诉收到的货品有零部件缺失:Dear ____,Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting.Could you kindly please highlight the missing parts on the attached manual?Perhaps we can send you the replacement parts to solve the problems.If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact us.Look forward to your reply.Thanks and best regards!Lily
④客人自己买错了item,需要安排退货:Dear _____,Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting.Could you kindly please find a courier to return the item to us?Another option, we can arrange a collection that will charge____.Please let me know, when you make your decision.Thanks and best regards!Lily
⑤客户投诉由于物流的原因,迟迟没收到货:Dear____,Hope this email finds you well!Firstly, I do apologize for the delay of delivery, due to uncertain factors, for example, enormous parcels in the warehouse or the mistakes of delivery companies, this situation happened sometimes.I will contact the delivery company and confirm the current state of your parcel.Once I get the latest news about your parcel, I will contact you in no time.I do appreciate that if you have patience for my process in this delivery.Have a nice day!Thanks and best regards!Lily
⑥回应客人的好评:Dear____,You are welcome.It is my pleasure to provide the best service for you.If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact us.Have a nice day!Thanks and best regards!Lily
1. SKU
英文全称: Stock Keeping Unit(库存量单位)即库存进出计量的单位,可以是以件,盒,托盘等为单位。针对电商而言:SKU是指一款商品,每款都有出现一个SKU,便于电商品牌识别商品;一款商品多色,则是有多个SKU,例:一件衣服,有红色、白色、蓝色,则SKU编码也不相同,如相同则会出现混淆,发错货。
2. ASIN码
英文全称:AMAZON STANDARD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER,是亚马逊自己的商品编号,由亚马逊系统自动生成的,不需要卖家自行添加。ASIN码相当于一个独特的产品ID,在亚马逊平台上具有唯一性,同一个产品同一个UPC在不同站点对应的ASIN通常是一致的,即一个ASIN码对应一个SKU。
在平台前端和卖家店铺后台都可以使用ASIN码来查询到产品。ASIN码显示在产品详情页面里面,一般位于Product Details”或者Product Infomation”一栏。
英文全称:Universal Production Code,中文全称:通用产品编号(代码)
标准版的UPC12的编码结构为:系统码(1位)+厂商码(5位)+商品码(5位)+校检码(1位)。商品分类不同或同一分类中的商品类型不同,UPC 要求也会有所不同。某些分类可能允许卖家申请 UPC 豁免。
中文全称:欧洲商品编码英文全称:European Article Number
亚马逊美国站 因为是在美国,所以统一采用美国的标准,我国生产的产品没有UPC码,上传美国站产品只能购买或者使用软件生成UPC码。
中文名称:全球目录编码英文名称:Global Catalog Identifier如果亚马逊卖家在亚马逊平台进行品牌备案,亚马逊会自动为商品分配一个被称作的唯一商品编码。在亚马逊平台上传产品,卖家就必须提供UPC码\EAN码,但如果卖家品牌备案成功后分配到GCID码,则无需再购买UPC码或EAN码。
6. KYC:Know your Customer
7. EBA:Fulfillment by Amazon(亚马逊物流)
8. GCID:Global Catalog Identifier(品牌标识符)大多数时候,跨境电商沟通用到的都是书面英语,可以通过扩大阅读量和练习量来提高对应的能力。像Quora,Buzzfeed,Reddit这些网站上的电商相关话题版块,收录了大量英文母语者发布的原创文章,里面用到的词汇和句式都非常地道。此外卖家朋友们可以每天坚持阅读半个小时以上,挑选有用的内容记下来,并且自己尝试撰写英文短文,活学活用。
Dear X, If you would like to place one order for many items, please first click add to cart , then buy now , and check your address and order details carefully before clicking submit . After that, please inform me,and I will cut down the price to US$XX. You can refresh the page to continue your payment. Thank you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dear X, We appreciated your purchase from us. However, we noticed you that haven't made the payment yet. This is a friendly reminder to you to complete the payment transaction as soon as possible. Instant payments are very important; the earlier you pay, the sooner you will get the item. If you have any problems making the payment, or if you don't want to go through with the order, please let us know. We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order. Thanks again! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear X, Thank you for shopping with us. We have shipped out your order (order ID:xxx) on (Feb.10th by EMS.) The tracking number is xxx. It will take 5-10 workdays to reach your destination, but please check the tracking information forupdated information. Thank you for your patience! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry; Iam happy to contact you. Regarding your request, I am very sorry to inform you that we are not able to offer free samples. To check out our products we recommend ordering just one unit of the product (the price may be a little bit higher than ordering by lot). Otherwise, you can order the full quantity. We can assure the quality because every piece of our product is carefully examined by our working staff. We believe trustworthinessis the key to a successful business. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
(out of stock) Dear X, We are sory to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment. We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again. Also, we would like to recommend to you some other items which are of the same style. We hope you like them as well You can click on the following link to check them out. Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks. Best Regards, (Your name)
Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we have this item in stock. How many do you want? Right now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they are very popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards
Dear X, Thank you for your interests in my item. I am sorry but we can't offer you that low price you asked for. We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already. However, we'd like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases. If your order is more than X pieces, we will give you a discount of xx% off. Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks.
PI-proforma invoice形式发票
Cl=commercial invoice商业发票
S/C=sales contract销售合同
S/O-sales order销售订单
P/L-packing list装箱单
POA= power of attorney授权书