华为nova 12 Ultra评测:颜值长在了nova星人心巴上
【手机中国评测】12月26日,在问界M9及华为冬季全场景新品发布会上,华为正式宣布nova 12系列加入先锋计划,在行业内引起了不小的轰动。在全款预售阶段,也是出现了Mate60系列当时的一机难求的盛况,足以见得消费者对这款产品的关注度。从产品层面看,nova 12系列是一次惯例产品更新,但是从产业来看,它却是对高精尖行业冲锋的硕果,以前那个我们熟悉的华为,宣告了回归。
从nova 11系列开始,nova形成了标准版、Pro版、Ultra版三个型号,价格覆盖3500元-5500元价位段。而这次我们也拿到了nova 12 Ultra,一个华为带给nova星人的【超大】惊喜,接下来,就让我们一同来看看这款产品究竟如何。
nova 12系列,是懂nova星人的审美的
而nova 12系列的12号色,带来了更为瞩目的蓝色,呈现出了年轻人鲜活炙热的生活态度,以及不被定义的生命状态。我们拿到的是烟云灰配色,不同于12号色的张扬,烟云灰更显低调而富有内涵,拿在手里能够给人以温润内敛的感觉。在底色之上,一体化素皮压花设计也是点睛之笔,更大更立体的标志性nova亚纹,带来了绝佳的质感。而这种压花设计,其实也是不少奢侈品的工艺,比如LV、Fendi等都有采用,从而成就了一代经典。
此外,nova 12 Ultra还带来了更大更瞩目的超级星耀环,位置放到了镜头模组最上方,能够带来更强的视觉冲击力。超级星耀环上刻着六个nova”,并且呈现中轴对称,设计感拉满。而在比如卡地亚love系列、宝格丽B.ZERO1戒指等同样采用了类似的刻印工艺,将品牌刻在珠宝之上,带来了独特的设计感。而且,这一次nova 12 Ultra还采用了一体化背板设计,背板素皮包裹到镜头模组金属边框之上,一体性更强。
机身正面,nova 12 Ultra搭载了一块6.76英寸的四边微曲直屏,手感介于直屏和曲屏之间,除了提高了颜值之外,对于日常的手势操作也更加顺滑,这块屏幕的手感基本上和Mate60是差不多的,用起来很舒服。而且,它还支持1-120Hz LTPO动态自适应刷新率、2160Hz高频PWM调光,屏幕素质是比较出色的。
在最外层,则是华为最新的第二代昆仑玻璃,整机耐摔能力提升1倍,可以从容应对桌面跌落、起身手机滑落这些场景,日常使用更加可靠。尤其是昆仑玻璃在经过Mate系列、P系列以及上一代nova产品的市场验证之后,已经受到了诸多好评,此次给nova 12 Ultra用上第二代昆仑玻璃,自然对于持久的用机体验有着长足的提升。
在上一代产品上,华为带来了可变光圈以及首发XD Portrait人像引擎,这一次,nova 12 Ultra则是从形、质、光、色四大人像特征,对人像进行优化,实现了皮肤紧致、肤质细腻、立体通透、水润亮颜的效果。nova 12系列更加注重用户肤色与环境色相适宜,而不是一味地往美白方向处理。
nova 12 Ultra前置采用了6000万4K超广角镜头+5倍变焦人像特写镜头的双摄组合,支持4K画质、0.7倍变焦、2倍光学变焦、5倍数字变焦,带来了全焦段的拍摄体验,可以满足用户在不同场景下的构图需求,比如探店打卡、聚会合影、妆容特写等等。
而且,这次nova 12系列还带来了三个全新的人像美颜主题,原生更加注重真实感,质感显得干净有质感,突显清新气质,妆感则是立体亮眼,更为精致。用户可以根据自己的喜好或者不同场合来进行选择,三种不同风格,总有一种适合你。
nova 12 Ultra后置采用了5000万物理可变光圈镜头+800万超广角微距镜头双摄组合,主摄支持F1.4超大光圈、RYYB超感光滤色阵列,能够拍摄出足够出彩的照片。尤其是可变光圈的运用,F1.4能够拍摄超浅景深照,带来光学自然人像虚化效果;F2.0更适合拍摄风景或者宠物,很好地平衡了各项参数;F4.0则适合拍合影或者拍星芒,拍清每一个人的同时,也能够让照片具有星芒小创意。
在发布会上,虽然华为依旧没有宣传nova 12系列是4G还是5G,但是在上手的时候,我们也对nova 12 Ultra进行了测速,下行速度高达1040.77Mbps,这个速度想必大家也就知道是4G还是5G了。
除了速度够快,nova 12系列还带来了鸿蒙智慧通信,不论是蜂窝状态下还是Wi-Fi状态下,都能保证优质信号质量和低网络时延。而且,nova 12系列从硬件架构,搭载华为独家专利赋能的低频广覆盖天线,信号收发能力更强,满足电梯、地铁、高铁等复杂场景的信号需求。
另外,nova 12 Ultra还搭载了双向北斗卫星消息功能,实现在无地面网络信号的情况下,依然可以向外界发送信息,此外,双向北斗卫星消息进一步支持与其他智能终端双向信息沟通。可以说,在智慧通信与双向北斗卫星消息的加持下,nova 12 Ultra具备了全场景的通信能力,能够为用户带来出色网络体验的同时,也能让安全感拉满。
这一次,在nova 12 Ultra上,HarmonyOS 4升级了智能魔法抠图功能,在图库中,双指长按开启智慧识屏,之后单指长按要抠图的主体,即可抠图完成,然后就可以放入超级中转站进行分享或者二次创作。随着智能魔法抠图的加入,HarmonyOS 4的功能进一步丰富,之后该功能也有望覆盖更多产品,大家不妨期待一下。
随着nova 12系列的发布,华为在智能手机市场展现出了强势的回归势头,从第三季度Mate 60系列宣告高端市场归来,到如今nova 12系列宣告中高端系列归来,华为各个系列表现出了强大的产品力和市场影响力。作为华为为nova星人打造的最新产品,nova 12系列在颜值上让人耳目一新,在人像拍摄上又充满个性,堪称是新年到来之际一份最为暖心的礼物。
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SenseTime Unveils Upgraded SenseNova 5.5 Large Model, China's Answer to GPT-4o
TMTPOST--Chinese AI company SenseTime has unveiled the upgraded SenseNova 5.5 Large Model series, the first real-time multimodal model in China, which the company claimed to be a new AI interaction model on par with GPT-4o’s streaming interaction capabilities.
The SenseNova 5.5 series, which includes SenseNova 5o, was released at the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2024) last Friday.
The series also includes an upgraded and cost-effective edge-side large model, reducing the cost per device to as low as RMB 9.90 per year, allowing for widespread deployment. Through continuous updates to its Cloud-to-Edge full-stack large model product matrix, SenseTime provides innovative solutions for generative applications across various scenarios and industries.
This new interaction model matches the experience of GPT-4o, bringing a revolutionary AI interaction mode.
Additionally, the new SenseNova 5.5 boasts a massive 600 billion parameters, with overall performance improved by an average of 30% compared to SenseNova 5.0. Notably, its abilities in mathematical reasoning, English proficiency, and instruction following have significantly enhanced. Its interactive performance and various core metrics align with GPT-4o, positioning it as one of the leading domestic models comparable to GPT-4 Turbo.
Currently, the SenseNova Large Model has been deployed at more than 3,000 government and corporate customers, including industries such as technology, healthcare, finance and programming.
Xu Li, the CEO of SenseTime, said: "This is a critical year for large models as they evolve from unimodal to multimodal. In line with users’ needs, SenseTime is also focused on boosting interactivity. With applications driving the development of models and their capabilities, coupled with technological advancements in multimodal streaming interactions, we will witness unprecedented transformations in human-AI interactions. "
Large models fundamentally aim to memorize world knowledge, and their intelligence stems from understanding the higher-order thinking logic and memory behind this knowledge, said Xu, adding that The 5.5 Lite version, designed for flagship mobile platforms, sees a 10% improvement in performance accuracy, a 40% reduction in initial package delay, and a 15% increase in inference efficiency, processing 90.2 Chinese characters per second. SenseTime’s model capabilities continually evolve with SenseNova’s constant iteration.”
To lower the barriers to entry for enterprise users in leveraging the robust capabilities of the SenseNova Large Model, SenseTime has recently launched the "Project $0 Go" scheme. This is a free and comprehensive onboarding bundle for all new enterprise users who are migrating from the OpenAI platform, including a 50 million tokens package and API migration consulting services.
Over the past year, SenseTime has significantly expanded its investment in AI large models, establishing a model-as-a-service” business model. This approach uses the combination of large models and large devices to achieve the goal of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
In March, Xu noted that guided by the Scaling Law, large models are in a golden period of technological revolution and performance improvement.
Since the release of the SenseNova model in 2023, its capabilities have significantly improved every three months. The model has reached domestic leading levels in fundamental models, multimodal capabilities, programming and tool calling, lossless context for millions of words, and small terminal models.
According to the company’s financial report in 2023, the SenseNova model and large devices drove a 200% explosive growth in SenseTime’s generative AI business, generating 1.2 billion yuan (US$ 165 million) in revenue and contributing 35% to the overall revenue. This is the fastest-growing business within SenseTime, surpassing one billion yuan in revenue in just over ten years since its founding.
In the first half of 2024, SenseTime has fostered close collaborations with several industry-leading companies in adopting its large model technology. For instance, Kingsoft Office's WPS AI has integrated SenseTime’s large model technology for intelligent upgrades in office software. Xiaomi’s Xiaoai Assistant has significantly improved user experience with the help of SenseTime’s large model technology. Haitong Securities has partnered with SenseTime to build financial AI applications, driving digital transformation. China Literature Group has collaborated with SenseTime to create an AI-native virtual social platform called Dream Island.
Xu emphasized that SenseTime’s large models have expanded from text to code, office automation, humanoid dialogue, finance, agriculture, and other vertical industries, launching specialized models and integrated devices. This allows customers to use AI large models efficiently and economically. Currently, SenseTime's large models serve over 3,000 clients.
We are at a crucial turning point where AI’s super moment is dependent on our collective efforts to create super applications,” Xu remarked.
Earlier, SenseTime also launched Vimi, China’s first controllable” character video generation large model, capable of generating human-like videos from a single photo and driven by various elements such as existing videos, animations, sounds, and texts.
Connecting all smart speakers, smart car systems, smart glasses to our terminal large models will make AI large models truly accessible to everyone, ushering in AI’s super moment,” Xu added.