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星牌·共享际位于大兴区兴业大街三段,临近黄村火车站附近。项目规模约8600 平米,整体建筑共六层,包含了地上五层与地下一层,改造前为一处空置的社区配套商业。共享”是这个时代孕育出的具有代表性的一个关键词,从co-working到co-living,慢慢成为一种最新的生活方式的倡导,新的生活方式带来的强大能量已经冲破了传统的商业模式。此次项目是针对陈旧的社区配套商业的改造,通过改造将空间打造成为集办公、公寓、商业等业态于一体一站式CO-LIVING共享生活社区,创造更丰富的共享生活体验场景。

5Lmeet is located in the third section of Xingye Street, Daxing District, near Huangcun Railway Station. The area is 8600㎡ , and the whole building consists of six floors, with five floors aboveground and one floor underground. It was a vacant community supporting commercial before the renovation. Sharing” is a representative keyword that was born in this era. From the concept of co-working to co-living, it gradually becomes an advocate of the latest lifestyle. The powerful energy brought by the new lifestyle has broken through the traditional business model. The project is designed to transform the old community supporting commercial into one-stop co-living community, which is a combination of business formats include office, apartment and commercial to create a richer shared life experience scene.

改造前照片Photobefore reconstruction

在此次项目的设计过程中,设计师以co-living的生活方式为灵感打造了一个新的语汇–共享站COMMUNION STATION”,尝试在两种功能空间的交界处设置一种新的混搭空间, 这个空间在功能上可以同时满足两个主功能区所需要的服务社交功能;在空间上成为整体设计上的重点;同时又解决了空间效率的问题。

Regarding the design concept of this project, designers are inspired by the shared lifestyle and create a new vocabulary- communion station.”They attempt to set up a new complex space at the junction of the two functional spaces, and this space can simultaneously satisfy the social functions of the services required by the two main functional areas. The new space not only becomes the focus of the design, but gives the solution of space efficiency.


The communion station is presented in an independent space. The designers utilize the flexible design at the junction of office, apartment and business at each level. The spaces of the ground floor and the first floor are connected to create a flexible public event space that meets the functions of roadshows, lectures, and various social events.

共享站功能分区图The communion station function analyze

三层的共享站具有接待水吧以及小影院的附加功能区域,四层的共享站具有超市以及中式厨房的附加功能区域,五层的共享站具有健身房洗衣房以及厨房的附加功能区域。共享站使空间的功能性更加丰富,不同区域里的人可以有更多机会交流互动,真正体会到共享的乐趣 。

The third floor includes reception area, bar area and small theater. The fourth floor includes supermarket and Chinese kitchen, and the fifth floor includes gym, laundry and kitchen. The design of the communion station makes the space level more diverse and functional, and more importantly, it provides more opportunities for people to exchange and interact with each other and thus experience the enjoyment of sharing lifestyle.


The design language uses color linear elements throughout the space to satisfy the functionality as well as achieving a uniform visual effect. The space has been simplified designed as a white canvas.From partitions to wall patterns, these bright colored lines are like beating notes on the paper, enhancing the three-dimensional visual effect and vibrant atmosphere of the space. The design elements are used repeatedly to create a unique co-living space environment with vivid memory.

联合办公空间Co-working space


From the third to the fifth floors, there are different areas of co-working space to meet different workstation needs and basic office needs.

会议室Conference room


The conference room is located on each floor of the co-working space to meet the needs of different conferences scale.



The communion station on third floor includes reception area, bar area and small theater.



The communion station on fourth floor includes supermarket and Chinese kitchen.



The communion station on fifth floor includes gym, laundry and kitchen.



Different colors are used to distinguish male and female restrooms. The bright colors decorate the space and harmonize well with the design style of the overall space.



There always have something special in everyone‘s residence. It can reflect resident’s preferences, experiences and attitudes from color of the space to the detail of the accessories. Therefore, designers believe highlighting the character of the room and applying humanized design in a limited space is the key to creating a co-living space in this project.For the design concept of the apartment, designers created two themes-films and famous paintings, and designed two main types of layout for the rooms( excluding those special layouts formed due to the special structure of the building).There are six color schemes to match the space, which are drawn from different films and paintings. By giving the space six characteristics, the color schemes make the apartment more personalized and recognized, and also provide more choices for the occupants.

剖面图Section drawing




设计公司:GB SPACE高白空间设计事务所

项目类型: 办公设计

设计类型: 室内设计


竣工时间:2018年12月 项目面积:8600㎡




Project Information——

Project Name: 5Lmeet

Site Location: Beijing, China

Design Firm: GB SPACE

Designer: Gao Wenyu, Bai Yang, Zhang Jing,Liao Qing

Project type: Office design

Design type: Interior design

Completion Time: 2018.12

Area: 8600㎡

Project Status: Completed

Photographer: Wang Lei

Brand of building materials & model: Woven carpet, Terrazzo brick(HONGYUAN Building material) , Cement brick(FENDI) , Floor paint, Painted metal, Acrylic, Shaped brick, Wood floor

S6L调音台快速上手E12:推子库布局和自定义推子层 #调音台








在layout的这个地方列表里面是每一个layout是一层,当点亮layout的时候就切换到了自定义的这一层,lay out12345就是对应了软件里面的12345,大家要记住这一点。具体的操作是要用几层,可以把名字命名,可以先双击一下命名,然后再把它recall出来,这个时候就是第五层。





星牌·共享际位于大兴区兴业大街三段,临近黄村火车站附近。项目规模约8600 平米,整体建筑共六层,包含了地上五层与地下一层,改造前为一处空置的社区配套商业。共享”是这个时代孕育出的具有代表性的一个关键词,从co-working到co-living,慢慢成为一种最新的生活方式的倡导,新的生活方式带来的强大能量已经冲破了传统的商业模式。此次项目是针对陈旧的社区配套商业的改造,通过改造将空间打造成为集办公、公寓、商业等业态于一体一站式CO-LIVING共享生活社区,创造更丰富的共享生活体验场景。

5Lmeet is located in the third section of Xingye Street, Daxing District, near Huangcun Railway Station. The area is 8600m2 , and the whole building consists of six floors, with five floors aboveground and one floor underground. It was a vacant community supporting commercial before the renovation. Sharing” is a representative keyword that was born in this era. From the concept of co-working to co-living, it gradually becomes an advocate of the latest lifestyle. The powerful energy brought by the new lifestyle has broken through the traditional business model. The project is designed to transform the old community supporting commercial into one-stop co-living community, which is a combination of business formats include office, apartment and commercial to create a richer shared life experience scene.

▼通过改造将空间打造成为集办公、公寓、商业等业态于一体的一站式CO-LIVING共享生活社区,the design is a combination of business formats include office, apartment and commercial, creating a richer shared life experience scene

在此次项目的设计过程中,设计师以co-living的生活方式为灵感打造了一个新的语汇——共享站COMMUNION STATION”,尝试在两种功能空间的交界处设置一种新的混搭空间, 这个空间在功能上可以同时满足两个主功能区所需要的服务社交功能;在空间上成为整体设计上的重点;同时又解决了空间效率的问题。

Regarding the design concept of this project, designers are inspired by the shared lifestyle and create a new vocabulary-communion station.”They attempt to set up a new complex space at the junction of the two functional spaces, and this space can simultaneously satisfy the social functions of the services required by the two main functional areas. The new space not only becomes the focus of the design, but gives the solution of space efficiency.

▼共享站-在两种功能空间的交界处设置一种新的混搭空间,communion station-set up a new complex space at the junction of the two functional spaces

▼公寓、办公、商业空间设计理念,design concept of the apartment, co-working and commercial spaces

共享站以独立空间呈现,在每一层将办公、公寓、商业等业态的交界处做了富于弹性的设计处理,地下一层和一层局部打通,打造了一个综合性活动空间,满足路演、讲座、及各种社会活动场地使用功能,是一个灵活的公共性活动空间。三层的共享站具有接待水吧以及小影院的附加功能区域,四层的共享站具有超市以及中式厨房的附加功能区域,五层的共享站具有健身房洗衣房以及厨房的附加功能区域。共享站使空间的功能性更加丰富,不同区域里的人可以有更多机会交流互动,真正体会到共享的乐趣 。

The communion station is presented in an independent space. The designers utilize the flexible design at the junction of office, apartment and business at each level. The spaces of the ground floor and the first floor are connected to create a flexible public event space that meets the functions of roadshows, lectures, and various social events.The third floor includes reception area, bar area and small theater. The fourth floor includes supermarket and Chinese kitchen, and the fifth floor includes gym, laundry and kitchen. The design of the communion station makes the space level more diverse and functional, and more importantly, it provides more opportunities for people to exchange and interact with each other and thus experience the enjoyment of sharing lifestyle.

▼共享站功能分布图,the communion station function analysis


The design language uses color linear elements throughout the space to satisfy the functionality as well as achieving a uniform visual effect. The space has been simplified designed as a white canvas.From partitions to wall patterns, these bright colored lines are like beating notes on the paper, enhancing the three-dimensional visual effect and vibrant atmosphere of the space. The design elements are used repeatedly to create a unique co-living space environment with vivid memory.

▼空间及内部活动,space and interior activities


Co-working space:From the third to the fifth floors, there are different areas of co-working space to meet different workstation needs and basic office needs.

▼联合办公与商业空间设计概念,design concept of the co-working and commercial spaces

▼联合办公空间,co-working space

▼不同面积的联合办公空间,满足不同工位需求和基本办公需要,there are different areas of co-working space to meet different workstation needs and basic office needs


Conference room: The conference room is located on each floor of the co-working space to meet the needs of different conferences scale.

▼会议室,conference room


The communion station on third floor includes reception area, bar area and small theater.

▼水吧,bar area

▼三层走廊导引系统及多功能厅入口,guiding system and multi-function room entrance


The communion station on fourth floor includes supermarket and Chinese kitchen.

▼四层共享空间,common area on the fourth floor


The communion station on fifth floor includes gym, laundry and kitchen.



▼公寓及联合办公、商业空间设计概念,design concept of the apartment, commercial station and co-working space

Apartment:There always have something special in everyone’s residence. It can reflect resident’s preferences, experiences and attitudes from color of the space to the detail of the accessories. Therefore, designers believe highlighting the character of the room and applying humanized design in a limited space is the key to creating a co-living space in this project. For the design concept of the apartment, designers created two themes-films and famous paintings, and designed two main types of layout for the rooms( excluding those special layouts formed due to the special structure of the building). There are six color schemes to match the space, which are drawn from different films and paintings. By giving the space six characteristics, the color schemes make the apartment more personalized and recognized, and also provide more choices for the occupants.

▼户型A,apartment type A

▼分别提取自不同电影及名画里的六种颜色,为公寓空间赋予了六种性格,there are six color schemes which are drawn from different films and paintings give the space six characteristics

▼公寓空间细节,detail of the apartment space

▼户型B,apartment type B

▼户型B内部空间,interior space of the apartment type B


Toilet: Different colors are used to distinguish male and female restrooms. The bright colors decorate the space and harmonize well with the design style of the overall space.

▼淋浴间,shower room

▼共享站内的卫生间使用颜色区分男卫女卫,different colors are used to distinguish male and female restrooms in the communion station



设计公司:GB SPACE高白空间设计事务所

项目类型: 办公设计

设计类型: 室内设计







Project Name: 5Lmeet Site

Location: Beijing, China Design Firm: GB SPACE

Designer: Gao Wenyu, Bai Yang, Zhang Jing,Liao Qing

Project type: Office design

Design type: Interior design

Completion Time: 2018.12

Area: 8600㎡

Project Status: Completed

Photographer: Wang Lei

Brand of building materials & model: Woven carpet, Terrazzo brick(HONGYUAN Building material) , Cement brick(FENDI) , Floor paint, Painted metal, Acrylic, Shaped brick, Wood floor


未经允许不得转载: CIFCOM跨境电商 » 独立站如何搭建


