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Amazon 账号关联了,先申诉






















因为我要经常出差, 亚马逊有24小时回复客户的信息,所以我买了一个阿里云远程服务器IP(ECS),今天去问了他们的客服。他们说他们的IP地址将被回收。我们无法确认是否只是因为我们的地址之前被别人注册了亚马逊账户,但这不是我们所能控制的,因为我们无法检查它之前是如何使用的IP,你能理解吗?






We checked all the data of the company and the device, they are all new. Our rules for Amazon are very strict. Of course we understand that we can only operate one Amazon account, and we are also registering for the first time, and there is only one account.

Because I have to travel frequently, Amazon has 24 hours to reply to customer information, so I bought an Alibaba Cloud remote server IP (ECS), and asked their customer service today. They say their IP addresses will be recycled. We can't confirm if it's just because our address was registered as an Amazon account by someone else before, but it's out of our control, because we can't check how it used to be IP before, can you understand?

Before purchasing an (ECS) IP, we have no way of checking what this IP used to do. We apologize for this, and we will not use this ip to operate the account in the future. We will re-purchase a new network cable to log into our account to avoid your concerns.

We have provided you all the information of our company to prove that we are the first time to register an Amazon account in Europe, please check our information carefully.

But now my account is blocked because this account is associated with other accounts, I can provide account information to prove our innocence, I hope you can restore my account

Looking forward to your reply, thank you very much!

变体违规 -POA-申诉信模板


Dear Amazon
Thanks for your concern about our account. We are so sorry for the problem of:
Create misused ASIN variations repeatedly or impacted customer trust through the usage of incorrect variations.

To sell on, we have set a plan that explains how we will follow this policy. We know that seller has obligation to make sure the product detail pages create are compliant with Amazon’s policies. Here is our plan of action that explains:

-- Detail on the root cause(s) of the policy violation

>>>>>>Detail on the root cause(s) of the policy violation

1.The negligence of platform policy training resulted in the staff don't have enough knowledge about the Variation relationships and ASIN creation policy:


--违规原因: 变体关系操控

Due to our staff don't have enough knowledge about the Variation relationships and ASIN creation policy, they list different products together, we check all 4 Asin's detail and know that:



Although these two products are called THERMOMETER”, but they are totaly different ,and cannot be etablish together by variation for color.

In addition,for gain more product views and more product session percentage, our staff establish two Asin from UK market:BXXXXXXXX5 & BXXXXXXXXP under Parent Asin BXXXXXXXX7 as a parent-child variant relationship for share its comments:


--违规原因: 变体关系操控

For the same raison of the knowledge about the variation relationships not enough, our staff had edit a price and stockage for the parent asin:BXXXXXXXXT, but the parent product is displayed in the search results and used by establish relationships between the child products ,NON-buyable product used to relate child products,

And bind several completely different products together.





After learning those 4 variations , we found , although all those 4 are under the definaion of "thermometers",but with the product appearance and performance are differents ,so we cannot edit those 4 under the same parent as variation

and those listing did not follow the regulation amazon:etablish the same titles and the high similarity product detail page under the same parent Asin.


--违规原因: 变体关系操控

Althought the etablish time for asin BXXXXXXXX1 and B0XXXXXXXXX were later than BXXXXXXXXG, and when the relationship of vatiation was etablish, the BXXXXXXXXG was accumulative some comments ,but those two variations asin are exactly same products except the color , we'd like to show your the packaging pictures, product instructions, certification in attachment ,and we kindly request to re-check the details of the parent-child relation and re-judge the violations of the variation(附件加:说明书,两款产品外包装,和所有可以添加的附件, 展示所有类比细节)




So in summary, the root cause(s) are:
1. In order to maintain sales, product views and more product session percentage, our staffs don't have enough knowledge about the Variation relationships and ASIN creation policy due to imperfect Amazon policy training.

2.Imperfect monitoring mechanism:The account manager didn’t detect that our staffs create product detail pages with invalid variations because of mismanagement. Our staff do not have a knowledge of product detail and absence of training before creat listing

-- Detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the policy violations
1.Review all listing with parent-child relationship

- We have deleted all the variants that do not meet the policy requirements.


- We have thoroughly rechecked all the products in the store, re-edited the product’s detail page to make sure the title, color, performance, description match each ASIN, and compliant with Amazon’s policies.We would be appreciated if you can take a few minutes to check our selling account.
- We have re-trained all the staff (new and experienced salesman) about the severity of violate Variation relationships and ASIN creation policy. We promise all our staffs have learned the lesson.

2.Though we have run business on Amazon for more than two years, we are still in severe lack of the Amazon policies and guidelines. Thus we specially arranged a lecture of the Amazon policies and guidelines for our staffs. We invited a professional Amazon shop runner to hold the lecture for us and asked all of our staffs to attend the lecture. During the lecture, our staffs listened to the lecturer attentively and put forward some impressive question at the end of the lecture. Every question was answered thoroughly by the lecturer. Our staffs learned a lot from this precious lecture.

For the first course, we will train on the following rules:

Policy 1: What are variant relationships?

Policy 2: Elements of variant relationships

Policy 3: What is the father/son relationship?

Policy 4: When to use a parent/child relationship

Policy 5: How do variants appear on the product details page

Policy 6: Delete parent and child goods relationships

3.Punishment measures for account managers:Due to regulatory negligence, those non-compliant parent-child relationship was etablish. We deducted all commissions for those Asins mentioned in the performence notification of the manager, and publicized the punishment statut within the company for Warning .

-- Detail on the steps you have taken to prevent the policy violation going forward
1. We have fired the manager who was responsible for our seller account; our new suitable manager will take up the job within 5 days. This manager is from a company that specialized in foreign trade. He has been working in Amazon since he graduated, we are sure that this new manager will be qualified for the job.

2. We have asked all the staff use inventory files or XML uploads or the Add a Product tool to establish parent-child relationships between products. They will check the inventory file for our specific category to see whether it supports relationships. What’s more, they will always ask themselves the following questions to help to determine whether certain products are valid variations:
*Are the products fundamentally the same?
*Do the products vary only in a few specific ways?
*Would customers expect to find these products together on a single product detail page?
*Could the products share the same title?

3. And then we will set up a new department with 4 staff, variation inspection Department, all of them have more than 3 years’ experiences on Amazon and also has deep and up-to-date knowledge of ASIN Creation Policy and ASIN variation Policy, they will detect that whether our staff follow the following requirements when creating variations:
*Describe each child product fully, so they will be included in *browse and search
*Add the appropriate variation value to the product title
Use SKUs to build relationships using field for SKU and parent SKU
*List the child offers in the parent SKU in the flat-file or XML
*Do not create variation families or add children to variation families that are not the same brand or product type
* Do not add or create an Item Package Quantity variation (multi-pack) that was not created by the manufacturer
* Do not include price and quantity value for the parent products
*Do not include variation value in the parent title
* Do not choose a variation theme other than what is listed in the approved theme for each product type
* Do not list different products together
* Do not put more than one product characteristic in a variation attribute

4. We have arranged one staff to regular check all listings on amazon every day to avoid the same violation in the future. Only when the variation relationship listings allow buyers to compare and choose products based on different attributes such as size, color, or other characteristics from the available options on a single product detail page, then it can list on Amazon. We will calculate the accuracy of their inspection into their KPI examine, for example, if one employee didn't detect the invalid variations, he will be punishment, if the error appears more than 3 times, then he will be fired.

5. We will train our staff once a month; we require them to study Amazon selling policies comprehensively, especially Variation relationships, ASIN creation policy, so they can comprehend all amazon updated policy in timely manner.

6. For new employees, we have made a rule: we will train our new employees, we will give a test to them before they join our company, and once they violate amazon policies, and we will fire them immediately.

7. In order to help all the staff have a clearly understand of ASIN variations, we have gathered more than 100 examples of good and bad variations and make it into booklet. Here is a part of it:
*Examples of bad variations:
Individual bath gel, shampoo, and scented powder (separate SKUs) that are the same scent
Short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts by the same manufacturer
*Examples of good variation families are:
Items of clothing that come in different sizes (small, medium, large)
Items that come in different colors (blue, red, black)

8. Now all the employees have realized the seriousness of misused ASIN variations. They are very cooperated with us and promise to behave correctly, they have also recognized that comply with Amazon policies are essential for survival in an intensely competitive market. They will never
*Adding child products that are not true variations of the parent product.
* Changing the parent product’s detail page so it does not match the child ASINs.
We will always keep in mind to matching our products to existing products in Amazon’s catalog and caret good Parent-child relationships to helps drive a high-quality customer experience.
Thank you for providing us a wonderful platform where we can reach thousands of customers, we are willing to do every endeavor to sell on again.

Can you give us one more chance?





邮件主题:Appeal regarding our seller account

Dear Amazon,

Thanks for informing us that our selling privileges have been deactivated because we misused ASIN variations repeatedly. We deeply realize our mistake and clearly understand what went wrong.

According to Amazon’s suggestion, we have made a detailed plan to address the root causes of Variation Policy Violation issue, taken the action to resolve the issue and prevent the similar Variation Abuse in the future. The following is our POA for your reference.

Our impacted ASINs: aaaa

1. What reasons caused the issue:

We added wrong children variations to the parent product.

We made mistakes and created variations for some listings which are completely not the same products.

(1)Added incorrect variation to ASINs we created.

Since we did not read the ASIN creation policy carefully,we created the incorrect variations and added them to the parent products.

(2)Added backpack products that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN.

We created variations for some listings which are completely not the same products and listed fundamentally different products together. The reason why we added more different backpack products on this existing parent product, because we thought this existing listing could share the reviews.

All in all, this mistake was caused by our lack of understanding of the ASIN creation policy in Amazon's sales policy. We apologize sincerely to you for the inconvenience we caused.

2. We have taken actions below to resolve this issue.

(1) Check all the listings and edit the related listings that misuse ASIN variations.

We have already checked all the listings and edited the related listings that misuse ASIN variations. We guarantee that all the listings comply with the ASIN Creation Policy” now.

(a)All variation listings have been created in the correct category or uploaded by the relevant template file.

(b)Never change the parent product's detail page to match the children.

(2) Optimize the listings.

We have removed the listings which are not sold very well in order that we can manage our listings more easily. We have already updated all the listings and guarantee that this similar situation won’t ever happen again.

(3) Stop creating product detail pages with invalid variations.

All our remaining listings have been checked by professional inspection team in order to make sure that they meet the requirements on Amazon. We guarantee that all the product detail pages meet the requirements and all the variations are valid.

(4) The employees who mishandled the operation deeply reflected their mistakes and demanded to assume their own responsibilities and submitted their resignations to the company.

(5) Strengthen staff training.

We have provided all our staff with a systematic and effective training immediately. Our staff have read carefully regarding variation policy.

The following prohibited practices are misuses of variations (also known as parent-child relationships). They create a negative customer experience and can result in your ASIN creation or selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed:

variations of the parent product. This includes but is not limited to:

?Adding incorrect variation to ASINs you created.

?Adding products that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN.

?Adding products that are newer versions or models of the parent ASIN.

?Changing the parent product's detail page so it does not match the children.

?Adding multi-pack variations that aren’t manufacturer-created to an already existing parent.

?If you’ve created a multi-pack listing that is not directly sold by the manufacturer, you must match your listing to an identical multi-pack product detail page. If an identical multi-pack detail page doesn’t exist, you must create a new product detail page with its own unique UPC.

?Adding multi-pack children by bundling two or more of the same manufacturer products, that is, bundling two three-packs to create a package quantity of six. Multi-pack children must be packaged by the manufacturer. If a customer wants to buy two or more of the same product, they can select that quantity for purchase.

Now all our staff knows well ASIN Creation Policy”, Product detail page rules”. We profoundly realize that matching our products to existing products in the Amazon catalog helps drive a better customer experience.

3. Actions that we take to ensure similar situation won’t happen again:

(1)Strictly obey Amazon’s policy and won’t misuse ASIN variations.

(a) Add accurate information to product detail pages.

When we update detail pages, we must add accurate information about the product. It is prohibited to update an existing listing for a new version of a product. This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. We should create a new product detail page for new versions of products.

(b) Don’t list items against detail pages for different products.

When we list refurbished or used products, the condition must be clearly described according to our Condition Guidelines. Besides, sellers are not allowed to create separate listings for identical copies of the same product. When we create variations for some listings, they must be the same products. Meanwhile, we will only create variations with color and size under the correct parent and no longer mix models and styles in the wrong listings.

?Don’t add incorrect variation to ASINs we created.

?Don’t add products that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN.

?Don’t add products that are newer versions or models of the parent ASIN.

?Do not use variations to list different products together or for products that are different product styles. For example: Different products, while related, are not the same product and should not be listed on the same detail page.

?Do not use variation themes incorrectly; they should only be used for their defined purpose. For example: A color variation theme must not include any information other than color. Different products, for example, should not be listed within a color theme.

(2) All of our listings will be strictly inspected before creating a variation.

We have set up a special inspection team by 2 experienced employees who are responsible for checking whether the new listings are in violation of ASIN Creation Policy”. They will update the listings timely to make sure that they always comply with Amazon's listing policy.

(3)We will regularly check our listings in order to make sure that all the listings comply with ASIN Creation Policy”. If the listings are in violation of Amazon’s policy, they will be deleted immediately.

(4)If the product that we are listing has been confirmed to have no known UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN or JAN code, and if we are listing a unique selection, we will request a brand or UPC exemption according to Amazon’s requirement.

(5) If we have any questions about Variation Creation, we will also contact seller support for help .

(6) We will register our brand with Amazon, so we can register our brand with the Amazon Brand Registry, which allows us to use an alternative product identifier.

(7)we will focus on product listing quality , to make a better confidence for our customer to buy goods from us .

(8)We will invest more on PPC sponsored advertisement to increase our sales instead of creating invalid variation .we must increase our sales on the basis of obey Amazon’s policy .

(9)We know our responsibilities as a seller on Amazon platform, we must obey Amazon policies and local laws or state regulations, to list products comply with Amazon policies, we also arrange our staff to learn best practices of compliance.

(10)We had set up internal audit system, we arrange quality engineers to review inventory and stock weekly, any restricted products or listings on Amazon, also included products may be inauthentic, and other violated with copyright etc, anyway every listing from now will be monitored and checked weekly basis.

(11)We will strictly check the staff’s qualification and provide the complete training immediately in order to make sure that the similar problem won’t happen again.

(12)If we are not sure whether our listings comply with policies on Amazon, we will actively contact with Amazon immediately and won’t blindly sell the products again.

(13)Once we receive the warning notification from Amazon, we will timely take action to resolve the issue and confirm the root reason that caused the problem to prevent it from happening again.

(14)We will take the most sincere attitude to treat every customer and try our best to meet the customers’ requirements and improve the customers’ confidence and loyalty to our products & Amazon.

It is necessary for each seller to create the better shopping environment. It is also our responsibility to make sure that all our behaviors comply with all Amazon policies.

We will strictly adhere to all Amazon’s policies all the time. Amazon sets out the highest standards towards product quality and customer satisfaction. We sincerely hope that Amazon can give us an opportunity again and help us to reinstate our selling privileges.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day!

Best regards,



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