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7月29日,民权县跨境电商学院培训会在商丘海关驻民权办事处三楼举行。 县委常委、副县长房季、海关总署驻民权扶贫工作组、商务局、保税物流中心服务中心、三益供应链集团、商丘迈千跨境电商孵化中心等有关人员参加。

本次会议围绕 加强推动跨境电商新业态新模式高质量发展、跨境电商贸易便利化、数字经济、FB电商项目合伙人创业孵化计划”等内容为主题,探讨跨境电商发展新格局、新规则和新机遇,大力支持优秀企业引入跨境电商发展的新模式。三益供应链集团作为优秀企业代表,与大家一起前瞻未来、把握趋势,共同深化全球跨境电商交流合作,为加快构建新发展格局、深度融入一带一路”建设增添新动能。




跨境电商已成为进出口贸易的重要引擎,出口领域更是占比近 50%,同时,随着第三方平台流量红利的消失,跨境出口电商进入品牌红利期,作为与第三方平台相辅相成的渠道和品牌化的展示出口 ,独立站及COD成为移动化、社交化和内容营销三大趋势下中小出口电商的新的增长渠道。


三益集团FB电商项目以Facebook平台广告投放为载体,开启合伙人创业孵化计划。集团自研COD 的ERP技术系统,为跨境电商从业人员或创业团体提供专业的服务以及培训。并拥有4大自营海外及国内仓储,一站式头尾程代处理服务,帮助卖家在品牌出海过程中摆脱繁琐的流程,赋能卖家将更多利润留存,让跨境电商创业者省心省力。





稳外贸进行时⑦ 跨境电商 乘风破浪(中英文)

Cross-border e-commerce in China braves wind and waves

文 《一带一路报道》记者 李卉嫔


Two contrasting figures--a year-on-year decline of 6.4% in foreign trade and a year-on-year increase of 34.7% in cross-border e-commerce, show how China’s foreign trade performed in the first quarter of 2024.


Against the backdrop of a severe setback in global economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s foreign trade in the first quarter struggled, dipping by 6.4% year-on-year. However, as factories across the world came to a standstill and traditional foreign trade is struggling, China’s new forms of foreign trade such as cross-border e-commerce grew by 34.7% against all odds.


What do the two contrasting figures reflect? What are the most popular consumer goods during the outbreak? Over the past six months in 2024, how has China’s cross-border e-commerce in foreign trade weathered the crisis and seized the opportunity amid the outbreak? What new forms of businesses have the outbreak spawned? The two contrasting figures give a clue.

6月19日,浙江省金华海关联络员走进浙江阿波罗摩托车制造有限公司云上”广交会直播间(图 视觉中国)


Stay-at-home economy” springs up


On February 12, Mr. Xie, who lives in Chongqing, posted a record of him running 100 kilometers indoors one day, attracting great attention in the WeChat Moment. I ran for 10 hours and 40 minutes from the morning to the afternoon and even my phone ran out of juice,” Mr. Xie said, adding that when staying at home during the outbreak, he did not indulge in eating and sleeping, but kept exercising to prevent getting out of shape.


Such exercise enthusiasts also keep emerging abroad. With the spread of the virus in Italy and the issuance of the stay-at-home order, Italians have taken a new approach to fitness at home. Some played tennis across rooftops; some, in their balcony, did aerobics and played ping pong.


The popularity of home-based fitness has made indoor fitness equipment a hot seller. According to the consumption big data of China’s e-commerce giant, in early February, the turnover of its self-run yoga mats increased nearly six times year on year, and the fitness equipment that is not restricted to the venue became a hit at the market. In the UK, a supplier of outdoor and indoor games equipment said their table tennis tables were sold out. Last year, only 15 tables could be sold in a week, but this year the record was 124. In Spain, total treadmill sales surged by 1,159% month-on-month, and comprehensive fitness equipment by 421%. In Australia, weight lifting apparatus and exercise bikes were in short supply.


The popularity of stay-at-home products” is not limited to indoor fitness equipment, but also many other items related to daily work and life. Office workers, forced to stay at home for a long time, have developed an interest in cooking meals by themselves, which has led to the popularity of small household appliances; those who used to have no time to keep pets begin to raise cats or dogs, which spawned a boom in the pet goods market; telecommuting, still in its infancy, has been rushed into service by many companies, and the demand for home office goods has also soared.

5月28日,在长沙黄花国际机场,工作人员把跨境电商包裹放置在货物传送带上(图 新华社)

而疫情期间,线下门店、商超大量关闭,人们外出受限,在线贸易成为消费者尤其是海外消费者购物的主要渠道。这一消费需求的变化可以从各大涉宅”商品销售数据变化一窥端倪。阿里旗下跨境电商平台速卖通数据显示,面包机、绞肉机、咖啡机等小家电成为疫情期间老外”们的热购商品,国产咖啡机品牌Hibrew 销售额4月逆势上涨近100%,宠物相关用品国外销量上涨44%。

During the outbreak, physical stores and supermarkets were largely closed and people were restricted at home. As a result, online trade became the major channel for consumers, especially overseas consumers, to do shopping. The change in consumer demand can be seen in the change in the sales data of various stay-at-home products”. According to AliExpress, a cross-border e-commerce platform owned by Alibaba, toasters, meat grinders, coffee makers and other small household appliances have become a hit among foreign customers during the COVID-19 shutdown. Domestic coffee maker Hibrew bucked the trend with sales up nearly 100% in April, while overseas sales of pet-related items rose by 44%.


The sudden demand surges in these fields exemplify the booming stay-at-home economy”. It also drove cross-border e-commerce, which had no obvious advantages in the daily life of foreigners before, to gain popularity quickly.

2024年,跨境电商将会创造高达1万亿美元的市场价值 (网络图片)


Live-streaming to sell goods is all the rage


Sharp-sighted Chinese businesses have long been developing cross-border e-commerce. For example, Tiangong International, a heavy industry enterprise based in east China’s Jiangsu Province, since 2013 has settled in, a global leading cross-border B2B platform owned by Alibaba Group, and now it has more than 5,000 categories of products sold on the platform. In the face of the virus crisis, more enterprises are trying to find their way out through cross-border e-commerce. In March, the number of enterprises selling products on increased by 194% month-on-month. In this light, it’s no surprise that the cross-border e-commerce in the first quarter registered a growth of 34.7%. With the development of communication technology, enterprises are also playing a new game in the field of cross-border e-commerce.

5月20日,第二届徐工国际客户节”线上直播的首场活动——东南亚专场开幕式现场 (朱志庚 摄)


Xuzhou Contruction Machinery Group Co., Ltd. (XCMG), a Chinese multinational state-owned heavy machinery manufacturing company with headquarters in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, also jumped on the bandwagon to launch live-streaming product promotion. At the first live-streaming event of the second XCMG International Customer Festival--the Southeast Asia special session, Liu Jiansen, Vice President of XCMG and general manager of XCMG Import and Export Co., Ltd., took the role of livestreamer to introduce and promote products in English with witty words, and interact viewers by providing generous gifts through the global live streaming platform of the company. Hundreds of thousands of overseas viewers visited the workshops of XCMG, watched how the modern production technology operates, and experienced the unique charm of XCMG at zero distance” during the live-streaming. This event attracted more than 600,000 online viewers, and the live-streaming had more than 4 million views on four overseas platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linekdin and YouTube. More than 400 sets of construction machinery products were sold, with the sales volume exceeding 150 million yuan.

徐工机械副总裁刘建森化身为网络主播向全球推介徐工工程机械 (图 中新网)


Huamao Group based in Ningbo is also doing well in the field e-commerce live-streaming. In the live-streaming room transformed from its product exhibition hall, a number of salesmen from its subsidiaries took the stage one after another to promote their products in English, Spanish and so on, tempting some foreign consumers, who were on the sidelines, to directly place orders.


The outbreak has changed the traditional mode and thinking of foreign trade,” said Zhu Xiaokun, Board Chairman of Tiangong International. We must focus both on online and offline modes to sell Chinese goods to every corner of the world.” Du Yusheng, a veteran of cross-border e-commerce in Shenzhen, said: The outbreak is an opportunity for smart businesses in China, who will surely seize the opportunity to make a new presence in the global e-commerce market.”


E-commerce live-streaming makes sales more direct and transactions more flexible. Across the screen, products are displayed in front of customers. Customers can also verify the product authenticity in a timely manner, judge the strength of sellers. Liu Yujian, Secretary-General of Nanjing Cross-border E-commerce Association, said that cross-border e-commerce live-streaming can directly reach overseas consumers and accurately meet various consumption demands, which is an important channel for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to expand overseas markets under the current situation. According to the research report on China cross-border e-commerce in the first quarter of 2024 released by iiMedia Research, it is estimated that live-streaming will become the hit in cross-border e-commerce marketing. In the next three to five years, live-streaming will become the online outlet for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to attract consumers, and 2024 is likely to mark the real beginning of cross-border e-commerce live-streaming.

近期阿里巴巴国际站将上线智能商品发布”功能,这是该功能在全球跨境电商领域中首次运用(图 界面新闻)


China keeps exploring new platforms


More than a decade ago, China embarked on the development of cross-border e-commerce platforms, and a number of influential cross-border e-commerce platforms have been established as yet. Due to the pandemic, most exhibitions have been cancelled and orders too. To help enterprises weather the storm, many cross-border e-commerce platforms are also exploring new models to increase enterprises’ exposure to and interaction with consumers.


On May 24, the Home and Health Online Trade Show held by was concluded. The trade show, which lasted for two weeks, provided a new channel for more than 400,000 exhibitors to show their products at a time when many exhibitions have been canceled amid the COVID-19 epidemic. The head of Shenzhen Great Asia Electronic Co., Ltd., who attended the trade show and received an inquiry from the Mexican government the next day, felt encouraged, saying: We didn’t expect too much about this new model of online exhibition. But to our surprise, we also received purchase orders from the Mongolian government.” According to the data of, on May 11-19, the overall inquiry at the trade show increased by 340%, the paid orders by 192% and the total amount of paid-up transactions by 175%, compared with the same period last year.


The trade show also hosted thousands of cross-border B-type live-streaming events, together with multi-dimensional interactive experiences such as 3D exhibitions, short videos and electronic business cards, marking a comprehensive digital upgrade of online foreign trade. Zhang Kuo, General Manager of, said a total of 20 such online trade exhibitions would be held this year. This kind of digitized online exhibition will be gradually held on a regular basis. Wang Jian, member of the Expert Committee of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Director of the International Business Research Center, University of International Business and Economics, said as a result of the pandemic, global trade is shifting towards online mode at a faster pace, and at the same time Internet information technology has greatly reduced the communication, coordination and transaction costs of international trade. Therefore, in the future, global trade will become more and more digital, service-oriented and network-based.



In addition to e-commerce giant Alibaba, other cross-border e-commerce platforms have also frequently launched measures. To promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, launched a special program-- Awakening of Insects” by adopting two creative measures: first, it will launch a special railway line between China and Europe, and a special sea route between China, America and Australia for cross-border e-commerce express delivery, with freight rates one-third and one-fourth of those of traditional express delivery services; second, it will use the transaction big data of small and micro businesses accumulated on the platform to launch e-commerce loan” in cooperation with China Construction Bank. Not only will the plan achieve immediate lending for businesses online, but cut the interest rate from 5% to 4.5%.


Starday, a cross-border e-commerce platform under Saneki, which has been deeply involved in the Japanese market for many years, launched the Star Merchant Plan”. Teaming up with thousands of influencers to share shopping experience on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Line and other social platforms, Starday aims to create a good reputation for enterprises and help them quickly increase sales.


Data showed that the number of visits, registrations and purchases on cross-border e-commerce platforms all increased significantly during the outbreak. With cross-border e-commerce platforms as the medium, global consumers access Made-in-China” products, and overseas commodities satisfy the need on domestic market. Therefore, the prospect of cross-border e-commerce is highly favored by all parties. Yu Miaojie, Deputy Dean of the National School of Development at Peking University, said that cross-border e-commerce should become a major force in stabilizing foreign trade in the future.

5月29日,中国(徐州)跨境电商综合试验区正式启动运营 (图 徐州市委宣传部)


Comprehensive pilot zones realize nationwide coverage


China (Xuzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone was officially launched on May 29. Here, you can directly buy cosmetics imported from Japan and South Korea, as well as order cosmetics, milk powder and health-care products from Australia and Europe online. Here, e-commerce platforms, warehousing and logistics companies, financial payment institutions and supervisory departments in the fields such customs, taxation, and foreign exchange can realize data connection, interchange and sharing, and enterprises can access one-stop services such as transparent customs clearance, e-commerce channels and financing. Companies engaged in cross-border e-commerce like us are ushering in a spring for development, so to speak,” said Gu Rongjun excitedly, Chairman of Xuzhou Dinghui Network Technology Co., Ltd. After the industry encountered a development bottleneck, he was now full of expectation for the favorable policies brought by the approval of the construction of China (Xuzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone.


Xuzhou is not the only city where the government has taken the initiative to set up a comprehensive pilot zone to encourage cross-border e-commerce.


Qinghai, situated in the hinterland of China, also has two comprehensive pilot zones set up. Wang Xubin, Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Qinghai Province, said that the comprehensive pilot zones have the inherent function of innovating systems and mechanisms on a trial basis. And the comprehensive service systems covering the whole industrial chain and supply chain such as innovation platforms, logistics, financing channels explored and established by relevant enterprises and institutions through the comprehensive pilot zones can greatly improve their operation and management level and promote innovation in foreign trade.

6月13日,装载货物的车辆缓缓驶出乌鲁木齐多式联运中心(图 新华社)


Since the first comprehensive pilot zone was established in Zhejiang Province in 2015, until 46 new ones approved by the State Council on April 7 this year, 105 comprehensive pilot zones have been set up nationwide, covering 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The rising numbers reflect China’s unwavering support for cross-border e-commerce.


On May 22, Premier Li Keqiang, when delivering the Government Work Report, said firmly We will stabilize the overall performance of foreign trade... We will accelerate the growth of cross-border e-commerce and other new forms of business, and enhance our international shipping capacity. We will advance a new round of trials for innovative development of trade in services.” This was the sixth consecutive year that the Government Work Report has released a positive signal of cross-border e-commerce--cross-border e-commerce has become a new way out for foreign traders to make breakthroughs.


Facing both crisis and opportunities, China’s cross-border e-commerce has braved the storm and become the backbone of China’s economic recovery in the post-pandemic era.


① 稳住中国外贸基本盘,也就稳住了世界经济的阵脚

② 稳外贸 中国策

③ 逆势增长!中国-东盟贸易的背后逻辑

④ 中欧班列跑出加速度”

⑤ 外贸企业复工中的困境与出路

⑥ 为中小微外贸企业保驾护航

⑦ 跨境电商 乘风破浪






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