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Hello Dear Amazon Performance Team

I received a performance from Amazon on **December*, which indicates that:

Your seller account has been per Section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement. Your login items have been disabled. Funds will not be transferred to you, but will be held in your account while we work with you to resolve this issue. This may take up to 90 days, but funds may be held longer. Please send any open orders to avoid further impact on your account.

Why is this happening?

You have a separate account at ****** that was enforced with one of our policies for a violation. As a result, you may no longer use ******** to make sales on

I realize that that separate account **** is a store I know, and I will admit full responsibility for the cause of the association and understand the severity of the violation. I apologize for any inconvenience my actions have caused Amazon and the Dear Amazon Seller Performance team.

In response to the correlation, I would like to ask for your permission to provide an explanation of this matter.

We received an email on * * * *, it was ***** this company initiated a cooperation intention email to us, we carried out a comprehensive commercial physical examination of the company, in fact for the official website informs us the information is that the company is a completely compliant and legal normal operation of the company, so we went through a two-month investigation time, and held a general meeting of shareholders, and from this we decided to on * * * * To cooperate with them, we authorized our brand: ***** to their store, the authorization email address is ****, and allowed them to use our brand to sell, the attachment can be viewed in our authorization agreement.

However, as of our latest authorization payment cycle on *Year *Month *Year, we still have not received the authorization fee about them, after repeated communication without result, we revoked our authorization to them and issued a written termination agreement (attachment can be viewed).

We realized that they are a company with no credit to speak of, and immediately terminated the licensing behavior of them, so far, our cooperation with **** was terminated by their commercial fraud, so much so that all the subsequent happenings of the company were unknown to us, and we realized the company's wrong business behavior on after we received an email from Amazon, and we were glad that we immediately terminated the The contract, of course, we are also unfortunate that his wrongdoing has implicated my Amazon account.

Our company was registered on **/*/*, the legal name is: ****, our Amazon account was registered on **/*/*, and we have been operating on Amazon for * years now, as an honest and legally compliant company, we always believe that Amazon will allow us to grow our business dramatically, and the fact is true, we have sold * single units in the last 365 days, and we have received * positive reviews In the past 90 days, our advertisement cost is about $***, as the owner of *** brand, of course, we hope that our brand can serve more buyers and customers in Amazon, but we easily trust others, we can't get the other party's operation of the Amazon website, we easily authorize the brand that we have operated for many years, and now the situation is what we don't want to see in our company. Now we have a detailed action plan for this mistake.

The following is our action plan:

1. For any new cooperation in the future, we will decide whether to cooperate with each other after we fully understand each other's business situation, of course, through this incident, we should not cooperate with anyone except Amazon official in the future.

2. We have reached an agreement with all the employees and members of the company, forbidding any of them to privately authorize any company and Amazon account without Amazon's prior approval.

3. We have fired the manager of the business department and the legal advisor who signed the cooperation agreement with the company in the first place, and in the future we will recruit more professional and experienced people to take over this board.

4. We will organize regular training 2-3 times a week to learn Amazon rules and regulations in depth. Our managers should first enrich our knowledge to better understand Amazon's rules and provide more comprehensive training for our employees

We arranged training for our employees on Amazon's prohibited seller activities and actions, which would ensure that they were familiar with Amazon's rules and policies, as well as prohibited product behavior review.

5. We immediately set up a department responsible for Amazon account monitoring to prevent similar mistakes from occurring. We provided systematic training to our employees on Amazon's policies and rules. We have emphasized to everyone that our seller account information cannot be authorized to anyone who is not an official Amazon employee, and we will also enhance training for new employees.

6. we have ensured that it is 100% vigilant and up-to-date on account notifications and information requests. From now on, we will prioritize the monitoring of our accounts, performance metrics and all related areas. Without a doubt, we will scrutinize all policies and rules regarding selling on your platform and strictly adhere to Amazon's rules. If there are any sales issues, we will seek help from Amazon. Last but not least, we require all of our employees to only work further with others with the permission of all three parties: the company's legal counsel, the risk control department, and the board of directors.

Our products are subjected to rigorous quality checks and the qualifications of our suppliers are scrutinized. We ensure that buyers receive satisfactory products.

The following attachments you can inquire us:

Proof 1- Brand Registration Certificate

Proof 2- Brand Authorization Letter

Proof 3- Termination of Agreement

Proof 4- Company Registration Certificate

Proof 5- Corporate Identity Card Information

Proof 6- Electricity Payment

Proof 6- Electricity bill

Thank you for your valuable time to guide our business, for this incident, we respect and understand the penalty of Amazon, but we still believe that Amazon will give us a fair way to solve the problem, we are willing to bear the consequences of the work errors, and we hope that Amazon will consider giving us another opportunity to correct our mistakes, all of our employees look forward to your reply, if you need to If you need more supporting materials, please contact me.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a nice day!

Store Name



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