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Thank you so much for your purchase of [产品名称]!

Your purchase is on its way! It should be there very soon. You can keep track of its progress with this tracking link: [运单号链接]

We are here to help in any way we can throughout the entire process. If you have any questions at all about your order or any of our other products, we’d be happy to answer them! You can reach us any time at [联系方式].

Thanks again,





It’s (卖家名字) again! Just wanted to check in and see how things are going with your [产品名称]. We hope you have been enjoying it!

If you have a moment, we’d sincerely appreciate it if you could give our product a quick review. Customer feedback is extremely valuable to us as it helps us to understand what our customers are looking for. It is also very helpful to the Amazon community as many buyers factor product reviews heavily in their decision-making process! Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated: [产品链接]

(感谢 GIF)

And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your order. We are always here to help! [卖家联系方式]




编译? 玛丽/AMZ123







Subject : Information: Your XXX Order Shipped


Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name), 我自己比较倾向用后者,会有亲切感

Great news! Your XXXX has been shipped. It left our warehouse earlier today on its way to you! You can expect it on your doorstep within the next (货物寄达天数) days (most likely sooner).

You made a great customer choice shopping with us. At XXXX, we truly care about your customer experience and, just importantly, your product experience. We are 100% dedicated to your complete satisfaction. Feedback and Product Reviews help us provide you and and other Amazon customers with a better product and service.

Leave your 5-start Product Review: feedback的链接地址

We appreciate and value your business. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. If you do not receive your item within (需送货天数) days, then please contact with us.

Best Regards,

Brand name


Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name),

Thank you again for your order of XXXXX. See the details on your order here: {{订单链接 }}The available tracking information shows that your item is out for delivery today. Should you have any questions, or if you have experienced any problems with your order, please contact with us right away and we’ll do what we can to make it right. We are here to make sure you receive the best customer service and are 100% happy with your purchase.

Leave your 5-start Product Review: feedback的链接地址

Best Regards,

Brand name


Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name),

Thank you for purchasing our XXXXX. Amazon has packed and shipped your order.

While you’re waiting, we would like to give you access to the FREE user manual, so you

can have them ready when your XXXXXX arrive. You'll find the user’s manual attached to this email as a PDF. You can download and print these to follow along while using your new XXX.

Once your xxxx arrive, let us know if you have any problems with the order or if

you have any questions. We are here to make sure you receive the best customer service and are

100% Happy with your purchase.

Thank you again!

Best Regards,

Brand name


Subject: How's Your New XXXX?


Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name),

My name is xxx from XXXX. We noticed that your order was delivered recently. I just wanted to make sure that you're happy with your new XXX. If you have any issues, please reply to this message so I can make it right.

We Need Your HELP!

We're a small business and without your feedback and reviews, we can’t exist.

Your Feedback is so important to us!

If you think we've done a good job, I would really appreciate it if you would leave us your feedback by clicking the link below.


If you're not satisfied, before leaving negative feedback. Let us make it right. Email us and we

will do whatever it takes to make you happy.

I want to personally Thank You for being one of our customers. We LOVE our customers and

will always be here if you need us.

Best Regards,

Brand name


We've attached your Bonus Gift, just in case you missed it from the first email. It's a

professionally written GUIDE for XXXX. You can print the GUIDE out if you


I hope you enjoy it!


Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name),

I hope you’re doing well. According to the tracking information online, we noticed that you have received the XXXX we sent on 日期. We hope that you are happy with your purchase and if you are, please spare some time to leave positive feedback for us.

Leave your 5-start Product Review: feedback的链接地址

Your comments and feedback help us improve our products and services for other customers. Please do not leave any negative feedback. If you have any problems or concerns about your recent purchase, please get in touch with our customer service as soon as possible and we will do everything we can to help.

Best Regards,

Brand name



Subject: THANK YOU!

Hello Amazon Valued Customer/ Hi (first-name),

This will be the last email from us about your recent purchase. I just wanted to make sure you're enjoying your XXXXX. We really appreciate your business and wanted to say again, Thank You!

Remember, you can check our user manual from our attachment we sent in last emails. We will be adding more videos and resources in the future and you'll receive FREE updates as one of our customers.

Could you do us one small favor?

Amazon thrives on customer feedback and reviews. We would appreciate it if you could leave us one.

If you already left us one, THANK YOU!

If you haven't yet, click the link below to leave yours:

Leave your 5-start Product Review: feedback的链接地址

If you have any questions or need help with your XXXX, let us know. We are here to help and want to make sure you're a HAPPY Customer :-)

Take Care!

Best Regards,

Brand name



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